Simona Zambetti

I’m Simona Zambetti, a cook specialized in gourmet vegan cuisine.

I offer Home Chef and Personal Chef services, thanks to which you can live unique taste experiences in the intimacy of your own home or the chosen location.

I love the food research, the creative act in the realization of a dish, the study of every detail: I want to accompany you on a sensory journey thanks to which you will be able to immerse in a world of flavors, smells and colors created to satisfy the most demanding palates. 

I help restaurants to develop 100% vegetable menus through a personalized consulting service.

I also collaborate with the culinary School Funny Veg Academy of Milan, as a teacher of ethnic cuisine.


I have acquired a vegan cuisine degree at the Italian Food Academy – Milan – under the supervision of Chef Davide Larise.

I took professional courses at FunnyVeg Academy with Chef Simone Salvini and Luca Andrè. I am also attending Food Future Institute – Los Angeles – an online professionalizing program created by Chef Matthew Kenney.


If someone ever told me I would have become vegan, I would have laughed.

I have never been a devourer of meat or fish, but of eggs and dairy products yes, although I am strongly intolerant to the latter. The thought of removing them from my diet never crossed my mind until four years ago.

At that time I was going through a rather tumultuous personal moment; I did not feel at peace with myself or with the world around me and, as in the most classic of clichés, the discomfort poured into the food. I lost my taste for life and meals.
I simply stopped eating by finding myself sucked into a negative vortex for many months that had transformed me into the shadow of myself, both physically and mentally.

Thankfully nothing is permanent, so when I got to the point of getting back on my feet I began to gradually reintroduce all the animal products that I liked the most, with the consequent discovery of not being able to bear any consistency and any smell anymore.

 “And now what do I eat?!”, I asked myself.

My journey into the vegan world began this way, with a simple question which, however, contained in itself a story that had a great meaning to me: mine.

I did a lot of researches to find out what nutrients I needed to stay healthy. I experimented with recipes finding everything extremely tasty and I gained weight and my smile back.

To be honest, I thought it would have been a transitory moment, but what happened instead was that I fell in love with vegan food to the point of marrying this life philosophy with all my heart, without feeling any lack of the previous one. 

Before this transition, I had never thought about which is my impact on the environment, about what happens to the food chain animals, about the quality of the food I fed on.

I found that I could change things by simply starting from myself, taking care of myself and trying to respect our planet, animals included, in an active way that I had never experienced before

Then one day I decided to further deepen my knowledge by becoming a professional Chef and by atteding cooking classes all around the world during my travels.

Thanks to my personal experience I realized that cooking for others is the most direct and effective way to show that a plantbased diet is much more than tofu and unseasoned salad and that despite what it may appereantly seem, it is rich in creativity, taste, beauty and sustainability.

Welcome to my world,
welcome to Vegan Pink Soul.

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